Summer is a great time for any child. There’s less anxiety about school, no homework, more screen time and lots of fun with the family. Even if your child goes to therapists in the summer, no school means the load is lighter.
For parents, a break from school means fewer lunch bags to pack, fewer emails, permission forms and meetings. Everyone is usually a bit more laid back and it feels good.
And then August comes and school jitters begin to creep in. Both parents and kids worry about new teachers and what the new school year will bring. Will the teacher understand your child? Will your child be in a class with their friends? Will they be stuck with the bully from last year again?
Left unchecked, these worries can build into back-to-school hysteria. So what’s the key to avoiding unnecessary drama?
Take a deep breath. If you make a family plan and do it for at least a week before school starts, it can help your child’s anxiety and your own. Here are some quick tips:
While it’s important to start preparing your child for school before it starts, don’t contact the teacher until class is in session. They are busy getting ready for their new class, and may be just as nervous as you are. During the first week of school, email them to introduce yourself and your child and then say that you will set up a meeting in a few weeks.
Take the days leading up to the new school year one day at a time. Follow these tips and that first week back will be a lot less stressful.
Dr. Victoria Waller is a creative child educator, rockstar tutor, and author of the best-selling book, Yes, Your Child Can: Creating Success for Children with Learning Differences.
Prominently known for her tutoring work with celebrity children including the Kardashians, Dr.Waller’s techniques create success for children with learning differences by drawing out and using their strengths, passions, and genius to teach them.