20 Easy Math Tricks For Kids To Improve Analytical Skills

Mathematics is a subject that demands a clear understanding of its basic rules. The stronger the fundamentals, the easier it becomes for children to follow the math concepts in higher classes. Though math seems tough and difficult to understand, it is logical. And the best thing about it is the child can work on the problems with ease if they know some tricks.

In this post, we share 20 fun, easy-to-remember, and quick-to-follow math tricks for kids. Share them with your children to allay their fears and instill interest in the subject.

20 Simple Maths Tricks For Children

1. Multiplication by breaking down numbers

This exciting math trick is useful in multiplying two two-digit numbers with ease and speed. Below are the steps that you should follow to get a quick answer.

Problem – 22 X 15 = ?

  1. Break down the first number into its multiples, i.e., 22 = 11 X 2.
  2. Multiply 2 with 15 (2 X 15=30) and their product with 11 (30 X 11 = 330).
  3. The answer for 22 X 15 is 330.

2. Multiply a multiple digit number by 5

Here’s a quick technique to multiply multi-digit even numbers by 5.

Problem – 222 X 5 = ?

  1. Calculate half of 222, i.e., 111, and multiply the half by 10.
  2. 111 multiplied by ten is equal to 1110, the same as 22 X 5.

3. Multiply a single-digit number by 9 using hands

Help your elementary school child to multiply any number between 1 and 10 by 9.

Problem – 9 X 5 = ?

  1. Keep the hands in the front with fingers spread.
  2. Bend the fifth finger (the fifth finger represents the number that you have to multiply by 9) on the left hand and count the unbent fingers. The answer should be 4 (first digit of the answer).
  3. Count all the unbent fingers on the right hand. The answer should be 5 (second digit of the answer). The final answer is 45.

4. Multiply a multiple digit number by 9

A quick trick to multiply a multiple digit number with nine by using the subtraction technique.

Problem – 122 X 9 = ?

  1. Add a zero at the end of the triple-digit number that you need to multiply by nine. In this case, the triple-digit number is 122, which becomes 1220, after adding a zero.
  2. Subtract 122 from the new four-digit number to get your answer (1220 – 122 = 1098).

5. Multiply a multiple digit number by 11

This simple trick teaches a fast method to multiply a two or three-digit number by 11 with relative ease.

Problem – 25 X 11 = ?

  1. Add 2 to 5 and place the sum in between the digits that you need to multiply by 11. The answer is 2 (2 + 5) 5 = 275.

Suppose the addition of the middle digit gives a two-digit number, then the trick has an additional step.

Problem – 88 X 11= ?

  1. After step 1, as shown above, the resulting equation will be 8 (16) 8.
  2. Add 1 (from 16) to the first 8 and shift 6 out of the bracket. The answer will be 8 + 1 (68) = 968.

6. Compare fractions easily

Comparing fractions can be challenging, especially when the denominator for given fractions is not the same. In such cases, this easy trick can be of great help to children.

Problem – 7/8 and 6/9, which fraction is greater?

  1. Multiply the numerator of the first fraction with the denominator of the second fraction; the answer is 63.
  2. Multiply the second fraction numerator with the denominator of the first fraction; the answer is 48.
  3. As 63 is greater than 48, 7/8 is greater than 6/9.

7. Squaring a two-digit number ending with 1

Calculate the square of a two-digit number ending with one, with this trick.

  1. Select any two-digit number that ends with 1 and subtract 1 from it. For instance, if you select 51, then 51-1 = 50.
  2. Square the difference, i.e., 50 X 50 = 2500. Add the difference (50) twice to its square, so you get 2500 + 50 + 50 = 2600.
  3. Add 1 to the final answer, i.e., 2601, which is the square of 51.

8. Squaring a two-digit number ending with 5

A math trick to help calculate the square of a two-digit number that ends with 5.

Problem – (85)2 = ?

  1. To square 85, first do the last digit’s square, i.e., square of 5 (5 X 5 = 25).
  2. Now, add 1 to the first digit (8 + 1 = 9) and multiply the new number with the first digit (9 X 8 = 72).
  3. Prefix 72 to the first digit’s square (25), i.e., 7225, which is square of 85.

9. Subtracting a three-digit number from 1000

Subtract three-digit numbers from 1000 with these simple steps.

  1. Take a three-digit number, say 576. Here, the first digit is 5, the second is 7, and the third digit is 6.
  2. Subtract the first digit from 9 (9 – 5 = 4), the second digit from 9 (9 – 7 = 2), and the third digit from 10 (10 – 6 = 4).
  3. Place all the three answers in order and you get 424. This is the difference between 1000 and 576 (1000 – 576 = 424).

10. Contains numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8

The mind-bending, fun trick shows that a series of multiplication and division for any number between 1 and 6 gives an answer containing the digits 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8.

  1. Choose any natural number between 1 and 6, say 4.
  2. Multiply the selected number by 9 and the product by 111. The answer is 3996.
  3. Multiply 3996 by 1001 and divide the final response by 7.
  4. The answer is 571428, which has all of the following digits – 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8.

11. The answer is 1089!

This unbelievable math magic trick shows that the calculation of any random three-digit number will always be 1089.

  1. Select a three-digit number, say 712, and arrange its digits in descending order, 721.
  2. Next, arrange the number (721) in ascending order (127) and subtract it with the previous number (721 – 127 = 594).
  3. Now reverse the digits (495) and add it to its original form (495 + 594 = 1089). The answer will be in 1089.

12. Guess the age and the change

Here’s a way to tell a person’s age and the change they carry in their bag/pocket by following some simple steps. Your child can try this fun trick with their friends.

  1. Ask the person to multiply their age by 2. So, suppose, the person’s age is 15, then the answer you will get is 15 X 2 = 30.
  2. Add five to 30 and multiply the answer with 50, which is 1750.
  3. Subtract 365 from 1750 and tell the person to add the change’s total value to the answer.
  4. Suppose the person has two 10 rupee notes as change, then 1385 + 20 = 1405.
  5. Add 115 to 1405 to get the final answer, which is 1520. In this answer, the last two digits indicate the total change amount that the person has, and the first two digits represent his/her age.

13. The answer would be 37!

The answer to your calculation will always be 37.

  1. Select any three-digit number with the same digits, like 555, and add the three digits (5 + 5 + 5 = 15).
  2. Divide the original number (555) with this sum of the digits, i.e., 555/15 = 37.
  3. You can try the same trick with other monodigit numbers, like 222, 333, 444, etc.

14. Calendar magic

Sharpen your child’s multiplication skills with this trick. Your child can make a 3 x 3 grid around nine numbers on the calendar and find their sum in a flash.

  1. Suppose the nine numbers in the 3 x 3 box are
  1. Locate the number in the middle of the square and multiply it by 9, i.e., 22 X 9 = 198. So, the sum of all the numbers in the box is 198.

15. Shoe math

Calculate your child’s age and shoe size by following a few simple steps.

  1. Multiply your shoe size (a whole number, like 8, 7, 10, etc.) with 5 and add 50 to the product.
  2. Suppose, your shoe size is 7, so 7 X 5 = 35 and 35 + 50 = 85.
  3. Multiply 85 with 20 and add 1015 to the product, (85 X 20) + 1015 = 2715.
  4. Subtract your birth year from 2715, i.e., 2715 – 2000 = 715. In the final answer, the first digit (7) represents your shoe size, and the last two digits (15) represent your age.

16. Six digits become three

A six-digit number changes into three digits by dividing the number by 7, 11, and 13. To play this trick, the order of division is important. Below are simple steps to understand how the trick works.

  1. Write a three-digit number twice and make it a six-digit number, say 789789.
  2. Divide the number by 7 and the quotient by 11. The answer will be 10257.
  3. Now divide the answer (10257) by 13, and the final answer will be the three digits used to make the six-digit number, i.e., 789!
  4. You can try this trick with any six-digit number with the last three digits the same as the first three digits.

17. Super simple divisibility rules

You don’t have to calculate to know if a number is divisible by a fixed divisor. Simple divisibility rules can help you know about divisibility and perform calculations faster.

Divisibility rules

The number is

  • Divisible by two if the last digit of the number is a multiple of 2.
  • Divisible by 3 if the sum of all the digits is divisible by 3.
  • Divisible by 4 if the last two digits of the number are divisible by 4.
  • Divisible by 5 if the last digit of the number is 0 or 5.
  • Divisible by 6 if the number is even and divisible by both 2 and 3.
  • Divisible by 9 if the sum of all the digits is divisible by 9.
  • Divisible by 10 if the number ends with a 0.
  • Divisible by 12 if the sum of all digits is divisible by 3 and the number formed by the last two digits is divisible by 4.

18. Division by subtraction

Division is repeated subtraction, and this simple math trick uses this concept to make division of three-digit numbers less intimidating to children.

Problem – 168/24 = ?

  1. In this trick, subtract the divisor (24) from the dividend (168). The answer is 144.
  2. Keep subtracting the answer with 24 until you get a number less than 24. For the above example, 24 is subtracted 7 times (including step 1) to get a number less than 24.
  3. The number of times 24 is subtracted gives you the quotient/answer. So the answer for 168/24 is 7.

19. Back to square one

A series of calculations can bring you to the same point from where you started.

  1. Choose any two natural numbers between 1 and 9. Suppose you pick 2 and 8.
  2. Now, pick one number and multiply it by 2 and add 5 to the answer. Let’s select 2, so the calculation will be (2 X 2) + 5 = 9.
  3. Multiply 9 by 5 and add 8 (the number that we selected in step 1) to the answer, i.e., (9 X 5) + 8 = 53.
  4. Subtract 4 from 53 and 21 from the final answer to get a two-digit number, which will have the same digits (2 and 8) that you selected at the beginning of the trick!

20. Memorizing the value of Pi

Pi is a mathematical constant, which is equal to 3.141592. Remembering this value can be a challenge until you try the below-given fun math trick.

  1. Write the following sentence on a plain sheet of paper using a pen/pencil. – “ How I Wish I Could Calculate Pi”
  2. Now, count the number of letters/alphabets in each word and write it below the specific word. For instance,
  • HOW = 3
  • I = 1
  • Wish = 4
  • I = 1
  • Could = 5
  • Calculate = 9
  • Pi = 2
  1. Arrange the numbers with a decimal after the number 3. It gives you Pi’s value – 3.141592.

Math tricks are a fun way to teach the basics of arithmetic calculations, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. Your child can practice these tricks with you or their friends and enjoy the magic of numbers. They may find some tricks challenging, but with regular practice, your child can master these tricks and use them to solve mathematical problems easily.

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