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Every little girl child born is a goddess. What can be better if you name your baby girl after the name of a powerful goddess or mythological figure? There are several goddesses’ names in various cultures and of different origins that can be the best pick for your adorable girl. We have handpicked the most meaningful goddess names for baby girls in this post.
250 Goddess Names For Baby Girl, With Meanings
1. Aaradhya
In Hinduism, the name Aaradhya means to worship. In other words, it also means daughter of God.
2. Aarya
Aarya is another name of Goddess Parvathi, otherwise known as Goddess Durga. It means faithful, wise, auspicious, benevolent, and honored.
3. Aditi
According to Hindu origin, Aditi is a Vedic goddess. She is also known as the goddess of the sky, Earth, and unconsciousness. This name means boundless or innocent in Sanskrit.
4. Aglaea
Aglaea is one of the three daughters of the Greek God Jesus. According to Greek mythology, she is a goddess of splendor, glory, magnificence, and beauty.
5. Aine
According to Irish origin, the name means radiance. Aine is a Celtic goddess, and she is said to be the goddess of wealth and summer.
6. Al-Uzza
The name Al-Uzzais the name of a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess. The name itself translates to goddess in Arabic.
7. Alala
According to Greek mythology, Alala means war cry. This goddess has a name derived from the onomatopoeic Greek word ‘Alale.’
8. Alectrona
The name Alectrona means shining, iridescent, and amber. She is a Greek goddess and is known to be the goddess of the sun.
9. Alethea
Alethea is the name of an ancient Greek goddess, known as the goddess of truth. The name translates to truth in Latin.
10. Alilat
Alilat is the sibling of the Arabian FoddessAl-Uzza. She is also known as the goddess of war and peace.
11. Allat
Allat is associated with the Greek goddess Athena. It also has its roots in Islamic origin, as the daughter of Allah.
12. Allatum
According to Persian origin, Allatum is the goddess of the underworld. It means immortal spirits.
13. Amalthea
According to Greek mythology, Amalthea means tender goddess. The name also has its reference in Greek mythology as the name of a goat who nursed the infant Zeus and secured him from his father, Cronus.
14. Ambrosia
Ambrosia means immortal according to Greek origin. She is also known as the goddess of immortality.
15. Ambuja
The name is one of the several names given to Goddess Lakshmi. It means born from Lotus.
16. Anahita
The Persian origin name means river and water. Anahita is also known as the goddess of water, the goddess of fertility, and the goddess of wisdom.
17. Anaisa
This name has a Dominican, Haitian, and Puerto Rican origin. Anaisa is the goddess of fertility. Also known as the goddess of love, happiness, and money.
18. Andarta
Andarta is the war goddess of victory according to the Celtic origin. The name also has its roots in the Dominic and Puerto Rican origin as the goddess of love.
19. Angelia
The name translates to the messenger of God or angel in Italian. She is known as the goddess of the moon.
20. Anjea
According to Australian aboriginal mythology, Anjea is known as the goddess of fertility or spirit.
21. Antheia
According to Ancient Greek mythology, Anthea is the goddess of floral wreaths or flowers.
22. Aparna
Aparna is another name for the Goddess Parvati. The word translates to leafless in Sanskrit because she is known as the one who can live even without eating leaves.
23. Aphea
The feminine name is of Greek origin and means truth.The name Aphea has been prominent since the 18th century in England. She’s also known as the Greek goddess of truth.
24. Aphrodite
Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty. The name is derived from the Greek word Afros, which means foam, as it is believed that Aphrodite is born from white foam.
25. Arubani
Arubani is the name of an ancient mythological goddess from the Middle East. She is known as the goddess of fertility.
26. Arche
The name has a Greek origin and means the first principle or the beginning.
27. Ariadne
The name translates to the holy one. Ariadne is the daughter of King Minos in Greek mythology.
28. Artemis
Artemis is the goddess of wilderness, the moon, chastity, and wild animals. She is also the daughter of Zia and Leto and the twin of her sister Apollo.
29. Asia
According to Greek mythology, Asia is as one of the oceans. The meaning of this name is sunrise.
30. Asteria
The name Asteria means star and is of Greek origin. She is also known as the goddess of innocence and justice.
31. Astraea
According to ancient Greek mythology, Astreais the daughter of Eos and Astreaeus. She is a virgin goddess known for purity and precision. The name also means starry night or star maiden.
32. Astrapa
Astrapa is known as the goddess of personification and lightning, according to Greek mythology. She is an attendant of Zeus and a sister of Bronte.
33. Atalanta
According to the Greek mythology,Atalanta is known as the goddess of running. The name means equal in weight, and she is one of the renowned heroines in the ancient Greek stories.
34. Athena
Athena is known as the goddess of war and wisdom. The name is of the Greek origin and is a prominent feminine name. It has multiple meanings, but the most common one being is the one who is wise.
35. Aura
This name is of Latin origin, and means breath or wind. Aura is the Titan goddess of cool air and breeze of the early morning.
36. Aurora
According to Roman mythology, Aurora is the goddess of dawn. The Latin meaning of the word Aurora translates to dawn.
37. Ayesha
The meaning of this Arabic name is womanity, prosperous, and victorious. The Swahili meaning of this name is life. Ayesha is known as the Arabic moon goddess.
38. Badoura
It is a Muslim name, and it translates to the goddess of beauty.
39. Bakairi
Bakairi or Evaki is the goddess of day and night. She is referred to as the keeper of dreams and the sun.
40. Bani
This name is one of the many names given to the Hindu goddess Saraswati. The meaning of the name is Earth.
41. Batul
The name has its roots in Arabic origin, and it means a true woman devotee of Allah or immaculate.
42. Belinda
Thename is of German and Spanish origin. It means the pretty one. You might have heard of this name from the famous poem written by Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock.
43. Bhaskari
Bhaskari is another name given to the Hindu Goddess Durga. The meaning of the name is radiant like the sun.
44. Bhavani
Bhavani is one of the many names given to the Hindu goddess Parvati. It is also the name of the sword given to Shivaji and the name of a river. The name means giver of life.
45. Bia
According to ancient Greek mythology, Bia means a powerful force or raw energy. She is also known as the goddess of strength.
46. Brigid
Brigid is the Irish/Gaelic, feminine name that means strength, virtue, and power. The Celtic Goddess Brigid is also known as the goddess of healing and agriculture.
47. Brinda
The name Brinda translates to tulsi or basil in the Hindi language. It is another name for the Hindu goddess Radha.
48. Bronte
Bronte has a Greek origin and means thunder. It is also known as the goddess of personifying thunder.
49. Caelestis
It means heavenly. Caelestis is the goddess of divine balance and justice.
50. Calliope
Calliope is the goddess of song, music, and dance. She is also known as the cause of eloquence and love for poetry.
51. Callirrhoe
According to ancient Greek mythology, it means beautiful flow. Callirrhoe is the daughter of Titans Oceanus and Tethys.
52. Calypso
The Calypso means she who conceals. She is known as the goddess of beauty and strange power. Ancient Greek stories say that she is detained by Odysseus for over seven years.
53. Ceres
Ceres is known as the goddess of the harvest. She is also the mythological Roman goddess of fertility and agriculture. The meaning of the name is to grow.
54. Cerridwen
According to Celtic mythology, Cerridwen the goddess of knowledge, rebirth, and inspiration. She is a shape-shifting goddess and one of the powerful goddesses of the underworld. The name means blessed.
55. Chakrikaa
The name Chakrikaa is another name given to the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. It means prosperity.
56. Chandra
Chandra is one of the many names given to the Hindu goddess Durga. It means one who is shaped like a bell. In Sanskrit, it also translates to the moon.
57. Chandrapura
Chandrapura means the invincible one. It is another name given to the Hindu goddess Parvati.
58. Charis
According to Greek mythology, Charis is the goddess of charm, kindness, life, and grace. She is also the wife of Hephaestus.
59. Chloe
This name is of Greek origin and means fertility or blooming”in Greek. She is also the goddess of Demeter.
60. Chumash
Chumash is the goddess of Earth. This Indian origin name also means goddess of flower named Dhatura.
61. Circe
Circe is said to be the daughter of the Sun God, Helios. She is believed to be the goddess of magic.
62. Clemencia
Hailing from Latin origin, the feminine name means merciful or mild. Clemencia is also the goddess of good nature.
63. Clio
According to Greek mythology, Clio is the goddess of poetry. The meaning of this name is glory.
64. Clotho
Clotho is one of the three Greek goddesses of fate and destiny. She is the goddess of it who spins the thread of life. It meansto draw out.
65. Concordia
According to ancient Roman origin, Concordia is the goddess that embodies agreement in society and marriage. The meaning of this name is peace or harmony.
66. Cora
Hailing from ancient Greek origin,Cora means honest, good, virtuous, and just. She is also the Greek goddess of Persephone.
67. Coventina
Coventina is the goddess of wells and springs, according to Roman origin. It means inspiration and abundance.
68. Creiddylad
The meaning of this name is the jewel of the sea. Creiddylad is known as the goddess of springtime.
69. Cybele
Cybele is the goddess of wild nature. She is also the mother of all living things and the protector in war.
70. Cyhiraeth
This name is of Celtic origin, and it means the goddess of streams.
71. Cynthia
Cynthia is a common feminine name. It is derived from the Greek word Kynthia, which means woman from Kynthos.
72. Dalia
Dalia is yet another popular feminine name with a Lithuanian origin. The meaning of this name is fate or destiny. Dalia is also the goddess of destiny.
73. Danu
According to the Celtic origin, Danu is believed to be the goddess of fertility and wisdom. The ancient Scythian word means river.
74. Daphne
This Greek name translates to spring flower. Daphne is the goddess of fountains and freshwater bodies.
75. Deeta
Deeta is the name of a Finnish goddess, and it means the Lord of the underworld.
76. Demeter
This name of Greek origin, and it meansEarth mother. Demeter is the sister of the Greek God Zeus. She is also the goddess of agriculture, harvest, grain, and nourishment.
77. Demetria
Demetria is another version of the name Demeter and means the mother of land. She is the goddess of the forests.
78. Deveshi
Deveshi is yet another name of the Hindu Goddess Durga. It means golden seeds of experience.
79. Devi
According to the Sanskrit origin, Devi means heavenly, divine, or anything of excellence. It is the name ofa powerful Hindu goddess.
80. Diana
Diana is the name of the Roman goddess. The name means divine or heavenly. This name is commonly used in movies, among celebrities, and is even the name of a British princess.
81. Dione
Dione is the daughter of Oceanus. She is a water nymph and is also the goddess of the bright sky.
82. Dityaa
Dityaa is another name given to the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. The meaning of this name is answer of prayers.
83. Doris
According to ancient Greek mythology, Doris is a sea goddess.
84. Druantia
The name has its roots in the Celtic origin. Druantia is the goddess of fertility for both humans and plants. The name translates to the white goddess.
85. Eachna
According to Irish origin, this feminine name means horse. She is the goddess of brains and beauty.
86. Easter
Not to be confused with the popular Christian celebration Easter, the name Easter is also the name of a Pagan goddess. Easter is said to be the goddess of renewal or Spring.
87. Echo
According to Ancient Greek mythology, Echo is a mountain nymph. She is known as the goddess of Hera.
88. Eileithyia
The name Eileithyia means she comes to aid. She is the goddess of labor and childbirth pain.
89. Eirene
According to Greek mythology, Eirene is the goddess of peace. The word translates to peace in Greek.
90. Electra
Electra is the goddess of sea clouds. According to the Greek language, it means shining, incandescent, or amber.
91. Enid
The name Enid means women with life and soul. It is of Scandinavian, Dutch, and German origins.
92. Enyo
Theancient Greek name means warlike. Enyo is the companion of the war God Ares. She is also known as the sister of war.
93. Eos
Eos is known as the goddess of dawn. According to the record, this name means Nightingale.
94. Eostra
The name Eostra also means the goddess of dawn. It’s also a popular pagan festival.
95. Epona
According to the Gallic origin, Epona is the Celtic goddess of horses. Her name means a divine horse.
96. Eris
Eris is known as the goddess of discord and strife. She is also the sister of Ares, the God of war.
97. Eriu
Hailing from Ireland, the unique name, Eriu means the land of abundance. She is also known as the mother goddess of Ireland.
98. Eskimo
Eskimo is known as the goddess of the sea. She is said to hold sea animals entangled inside her hair.
99. Eudora
Eudora is one of the five minor goddesses of Greek mythology. The meaning of this name is a generous gift.
100. Eurydice
According to Greek mythology, Eurydice is the wife of Orpheus. It means wide justice.
101. Eurynome
The name Eurynome means broad pastures. She is the Titan goddess of water meadows and pasture land. She is also one of the three brides of Zeus.
102. Euterpe
The Greek word Euterpe translates to delight or rejoicing. It is also the name of the Greek goddess of music.
103. Evaki
Evaki is a Bakairi goddess. She is known as the goddess of 10,000 names or of night and day. The name means she who is all.
104. Fatima
According to Islam, Fatima is said to be the daughter of Prophet Muhammad. The Hebrew meaning for this name is the one who abstains.
105. Fauna
According to Roman mythology, fauna is a goddess of the fertility of flocks, fields, and woodlands.
106. Feronia
Feronia is the name of a mythological goddess. She is known as the goddess of abundance, health, and fertility.
107. Flidais
According to Irish mythology, Flidais isthe goddess of cattle and fertility. It means beautiful hair.
108. Flora
Flora is the Roman goddess of flowers and spring. She is also the goddess of springtime. According to the Latin origin, flora means flower.
109. Fortuna
Fortuna is the Roman goddess of good luck and fortune. It is said that she had a wheel that she turned to attract failure or success.
110. Freya
According to Norse mythology, Freya is the goddess of fertility and love. This feminine name also has its roots in Scandinavia.
111. Frigg
This name also hails from Norse mythology. Frigg is the goddess of air and Earth. It also means to love.
112. Gaiya
Gaiya is a feminine name of Greek origin. She is said to be the goddess of birth and her name means Earth mother.
113. Gauri
Gauri is yet another name of the Hindu goddess Parvati.
114. Gefion
According to Norse mythology, Gefion is the goddess of agriculture. The name means to give.
115. Gerdr
Gerdr is the name of a Jotunn goddess. She is also a goddess of fertility and the name translates to garden.
116. Ghaddar
Ghaddar is a mythical goddess of the Arabic origin. The name translates to the goddess or a female God.
117. Ghul
Ghul is yet another goddess named of Arabic origin. It means dew of the lamb or to bloom.
118. Himani
The name Himani is another name for the Hindu goddess Parvati. The Sanskrit meaning of the name is glacier.
119. Halie
Halie is the goddess of Leucothea, according to ancient Greek mythology. According to the old English origin, this name means hay meadows.
120. Harmona
According to the Latin origin, the name Harmony means unity. She is the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares. She is also known as the goddess of order.
121. Hebe
According to Greek mythology, Hebe is the goddess of youth. The name means prime of life.
122. Hel
According to Norse mythology, Hel is the goddess of death. She is also one of the children of Loki. It is said that her power directly came from Asgard, and she is built with gold and blood.
123. Hellotia
Hellotia is a goddess in Greek mythology. The meaning of this feminine name is marsh.
124. Hemera
The meaning of this Greek name is day. Hemera is said to be the goddess of daytime.
125. Hera
According to Greek mythology, Hera is the goddess of marriage. This feminine name means Queen. It can be a perfect name for your royalty baby.
126. Hestia
According to the Greek mythology, Hestia is the firstborn child of the Titans. She is the goddess of the hearth. And the name means fireside.
127. Holle
The name Holle comes from old German folklore. It is said that she is the goddess of beauty and wealth. Holle means beloved.
128. Hutash
According to Chumash mythology, Hutash is a protector of the tribe and the goddess of Earth.
129. Idony
According to Norse mythology, Idony is the goddess of eternal youth and spring. The name means love again.
130. Idun
The name Idun means ever young. According to Norse mythology, Idun is the goddess of apples, representing fertility.
131. Ilithyia
Ancient Greek mythology states that Ilithyia is the goddess of childbirth. The name means relieve in Latin.
132. Ilma
The name has its roots in Hindu origin, and it means a resolute protector.
133. Inanna
According to ancient Mesopotamian mythology, Inanna is the goddess of war. The feminine name means lady of heaven.
134. Ira
Ira is yet another name for the Hindu goddess Saraswati. She is known as the goddess of knowledge and wisdom. According to the Hebrew language, Ira means watchful.
135. Irene
According to Greek origin, the name Irene means peace. She is also known as the goddess of peace.
136. Iris
The feminine name of Greek origin means rainbow. Iris is the messenger for Zeus and is also the goddess of the rainbow.
137. Iroquois
Iroquois is the goddess of the sky. It makes a perfect name for your winter girl baby.
138. Isis
According to ancient Egyptian mythology, Isis is the goddess of sorcery. She is also known as the life of the Nile and mother moon. The name means a woman of the throne.
139. Jaya
The feminine name is another version of the Goddess Durga. Jaya means victory in Sanskrit.
140. Jord
According to Norse mythology, Jord is the mother of the great thunder God Thor. She is also known as the goddess of the Earth.
141. June
June is another name for the Roman goddess Juno. She is the goddess of childbirth and marriage.
142. Juno
The meaning of the name Juno is the Queen of Heaven. You might have heard this name from the 1924 Shakespearean play, Juno and the Paycock.
143. Juventas
Juventas is the Roman goddess of youth. The name translates to youth in Latin.
144. Kali
Kali is a feminine name of Sanskrit origin. She is the Hindu goddess of destruction.
145. Kamira
Kamira is the name of a minor goddess from Greek mythology. The name means sunshine and moonlight.
146. Kanya
Kanya is the name of a Hindu goddess and means virgin in Hindi. It makes a perfect name for Virgo babies.
147. Kayra
According to Turkic mythology, Kayra means unique and peaceful. She is also the sibling of the earth goddess.
148. Khione
According to Greek mythology, Khione is the goddess of snow. It is a trendy and modern feminine name.
149. Kianda
It comes from Angolan mythology and means goddess of the sea. She is also known to be the protector of fishermen.
150. Kokomthena
The name Kokomthena means cloud woman. She is the goddess of Native Americans.
151. Kriti
Kriti is the name of a Hindu goddess and means a work of art.
152. Lakshmi
The Hindu goddess Lakshmi is known as the goddess of fortune, prosperity, and wealth.
153. Lanthe
According to Greek origin, Lanthe is a feminine name means violet flower.
154. Latona
Hailing from Latin origin, Latona is a goddess, also a wife of Zeus.
155. Leto
The name has its roots in the Latin and Italian languages. It means joyful or happy.
156. Levana
Levana is a Roman goddess who is also known as the protector of newborns. The meaning of this name is to rise or to lift.
157. Lilaea
According to the Greek mythology, Lilaea means longed for. She is also the daughter of the Greek God Cephissus.
158. Lissa
According to African mythology, Lissa is the supreme mother goddess.
159. Lola
Lola is another name for the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. According to Greek origin, it means violetdawn. In Latin, it means emotion.
160. Luna
Luna is the name of the Roman goddess of the moon. It is of Italian origin and translates to moon.
161. Macha
Macha is known as the goddess of death, slaughter, and war. The meaning of Macha is height.
162. Maeve
Maeve is the goddess of Sovereignty. The Latin meaning of this name is a purple flower, whereas the French meaning is a small bird.
163. Maia
According to Greek mythology, Maia is the goddess of springtime. The Greek meaning of this name is mother or great.
164. Makaria
Makariais the goddess of blessed death. The name means blessed.
165. Manah
Manah is another name for the Goddess Parvati. The feminine name also has the biblical reference as the dewdrops turned into food for the Israel people in the wilderness during a famine.
166. Margawse
The goddess’s name means wife of a king. Margawse is the goddess of mothers.
167. Marina
The feminine name means from the sea according to the Latin origin. Marina is the goddess of the sea.
168. Melia
According to ancient Greek mythology, Melia means Ash Tree. Melia is the daughter of Oceanus.
169. Mia
Mia is a common feminine name and means Queen or ocean goddess. Mia is also the goddess of nursing mothers.
170. Minerva
According to Roman mythology, Minerva is the goddess of wisdom. The Latin meaning for the name is of the mind.
171. Mira
According to Indian mythology, Mira or Meera was a devotee of Lord Krishna. It means prosperity in Sanskrit.
172. Mongfind
According to Irish origin, Mongfind is the goddess of witches. The name means one with white hair.
173. Moria
According to Greek mythology, Moria means a sacred olive tree. The goddess Moria is also the sister of Tylus.
174. Morrigan
According to Irish mythology, Morrigan is the phantom queen or the great queen. She is also known as the ancient goddess of war.
175. Naila
According to Arabic origin, Naila is the name of an ancient Egyptian princess. The name means the attainer or achiever.
176. Nantosuelta
Hailing from the Celtic religion, this goddess name translates to sun-drenched valley. She is also called the goddess of water.
177. Nesoi
The name Nesoi hails from the Greek origin and means the goddesses of islands.
178. Nemain
Nemain is the goddess who personifies the havoc of war. The name translates to spirit woman.
179. Nemesis
According to Greek mythology, Nemesis is the cause of divine contribution. There is even a famous temple in recognition of her in the city of Rhamnous.
180. Nephele
The ancient Greek name, Nephele means cloudy. This goddess was said to be created by Zeus from a cloud.
181. Nete
Nete is the Greek goddess of names. The name translates to beautiful black princess.
182. Niamh
According to Irish mythology, this name means radiant and bright. Niamh is to be the daughter of the God of the sea.
183. Nike
Nike is the goddess of victory, according to Greek mythology. The name translates to victory.
184. Niranjana
Niranjana is yet another name of the Hindu goddess Parvati. It means the night of the full moon.
185. Nixie
According to the Latin origin, Nixie is the goddess of childbirth. The old German meaning of this name is a water spirit.
186. Nuha
Nuha is the name of an Arabic goddess during the pre-Islamic era. She is referred to as the sun goddess. Nuha means wisdom.
187. Nyx
Nyx is the Goddess of night, according to Greek origin. She said to be older and even more powerful than Zeus.
188. Olwen
Olwen is said to be the solar goddess. It is also said that she appears every spring and leaves a trail of white flowers behind.
189. Onatah
The name is of Greek origin and means daughter of the Earth. She is also the goddess of corn, according to Iroquois mythology.
190. Ostara
This Anglo-Saxon name means dawn‘s first light. Ostara is also known as the goddess of spring. Itis a perfect name for an Easter-born baby girl.
191. Padma
Padma is another name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. It means born from the lotus flower.
192. Parvati
According to the Sanskrit origin, Parvati is the Hindu goddess of love, beauty, marriage, and fertility. She is said to be one of the purest forms of positive energy.
193. Persephone
According to Greek mythology, Persephone is the goddess of destruction. She is also the daughter of Demeter.
194. Penelope
The feminine name is also of the Greek origin, and it means weaver. She is known as the goddess of marital fidelity.
195. Phoebe
The name Phoebe means radiant or shining one. Phoebe is a Titan goddess, and she is called the goddess of bright intellect.
196. Polyhymnia
The Greek word poly means many, and hymn means praise. Polyhymnia is also the daughter of Zeus.
197. Pomona
According to Roman mythology, Pomona is the goddess of fruitful abundance. The name has its roots also in the Roman religion, and it means autumn and fruits.
198. Pranshi
Pranshi is another name for the Goddess Lakshmi. It means the most valuable part of something.
199. Qadshu
Qadshuis, a Syrian goddess who is said to be associated with secret ecstasy and fertility. This goddess has also been adopted into Egyptian mythology, and means the clean one.
200. Rhapso
According to Greek mythology, Rhapso is the Greek goddess of names. She is also known as the feet goddess, and the name means to stitch ( as she is also known as the thread of life).
201. Rhea
Rhea is the goddess of motherhood, generation, and female fertility. She is the Titan mother of gods and the mother of Zeus. The name means flowing.
202. Rheya
Rheya has its roots in Indian origin and is often referred to the Goddess Lakshmi. It is also found in Greek origin and is related to the goddess Rhea.
203. Rhiannon
Rhiannon has its roots in the Welsh language and means the great queen. It is said that the legendary goddess is dressed in shining gold and rides a pale horse.
204. Rhodos
The name Rhodos means the place where roses grow. It is of Greek origin and is the name of the goddess of the island of Rhodes.
205. Rindr
The ancient Norse name means princess. Rindr is said to be the goddess of the frozen Earth.
206. Riya
Riya is another name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. It means a graceful singer.
207. Rosmerta
According to the Gallo Roman religion, Rosmerta is the goddess of abundance and prosperity. The name itself means providing together.
208. Sabrina
Sabrina is the name of a Celtic goddess known as the river goddess. It is a prominent feminine name, andis used in the famous American television show, Sabrina Spellman.
209. Salacia
Salacia is the Roman goddess of leaping spring water. According to the Latin origin, sal means salt. Thus, she is also known as the goddess of the sea.
210. Sanvi
Sanvi is another name for the Hindu goddess Parvati. It means lovable, glowing, and attractive.
211. Saranya
The feminine name comes from Indian origin. It means the protector in Sanskrit.
212. Saraswati
Saraswati is the name of the Hindu goddess associated with knowledge. It means a respectable person.
213. Sachi
According to the Hindu Origin, Sachi is known as the goddess of sensuality, jealousy, beauty, and wealth.
214. Sarika
Sarika is yet another name for the Goddess Durga. It means a lovely song.
215. Sedna
According to the Inuit mythology, Sedna is the goddess of the sea. She is also known as a Goddess of marine animals and the underworld.
216. Selena
The name Selena translates to the moon. According to ancient Greek mythology, Selena is the moon goddess. It is a very prominent name, which is even taken up by celebrities—Selena Gomez.
217. Selene
Selene is also another name for the moon goddess Selena.
218. Sequana
The name Sequana means the fast-flowing one. According to the Gallo-Roman religion, Sequana is the goddess of the river.
219. Seren
According to Wallace origin, Serenmeans hash star. Seren is known as the goddess of the hot springs.
220. Shaila
Shaila is another name for the Hindu goddess Parvati. It means the black eye of a flower. The name also means daughter of a hill.
221. Shannon
According to Irish mythology, Shannon is the goddess of wisdom. The name Shannon meansold river.
222. Shawnee
The name Shawnee means the daughter of God in Hebrew. Shawnee is also refers to the supreme goddess and creatress.
223. Shivani
The name Shivani is a symbol of dependents. It is another name for the Goddess Parvati.
224. Shyla
Shyla is the name of Hindu origin, it is also another name for the Goddess Parvati. The Hindi meaning for this name is daughter of the mountain.
225. Sif
This name is of the Scandinavian origin. Sif is the wife of the thunder god, Thor. She is also known as the goddess of fertility.
226. Sigyn
According to Norse mythology, Sigyn is the goddess of victory. She is also the second wife of Loki.
227. Siya
Siya is another name for the Goddess Sita. It means a white moonlight.
228. Skadi
Skadi is said to be the goddess of the wilderness. She’s also the goddess of winter and snow. Wouldn’t this make the best name for your winter baby?
229. Snotra
According to Norse mythology, Snotra is the goddess of wisdom. The meaning of the name is discipline.
230. Surasa
Surasais yet another name for the Goddess Durga. The meaning of this name is honesty. Surasa is also said to be the mother of serpents according to Hindu origin.
231. Syn
The name also hails from the Norse origin, it means pure and clean.
232. Tanishka
Tanishka is referred to as the goddess of gold. It makes a unique name for your little gem.
233. Tephi
According to Hebrew origin, the name Tephi means beautiful. It is another name for the Celtic goddess, Brigid.
234. Thalia
ThaliaIs the name of a goddess in Greek origin. She is known as the goddess of comedy and poetry. The meaning of this name is to blossom.
235. Theia
The name Theiatranslates to goddess. Theia is the name of the Titan goddess of light and shine. It is said that she is adorned with silver, gems, gold, and other valuable metals all over.
236. Thora
Thora is related to Thor. The meaning of this name is the thunder goddess.
237. Trishika
According to the Hindi origin, the meaning of Trishika is trident on the one with a pitchfork. It is also another name used to describe the Goddess Lakshmi.
238. Uma
Uma is also another name given to the Hindu goddess Parvati. The Sanskrit meaning of this name is fame, splendor, and tranquility.
239. Urania
Urania is said to be the goddess of astronomy and poetry. This name translates to heaven.
240. Var
According to Norse mythology, Var is the goddess of agreements and promises. The name means beloved or pledged.
241. Vaishu
Vaishu is another name given to the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. The meaning of this name isgraceful and wise.
242. Venus
According to Roman mythology, Venus is the goddess of love. It is also the second closest planet to the Sun in our solar system. The name Venus means charm I love.
243. Veritas
According to Roman mythology, the Greek goddess of truthfulness is Veritas.
244. Vesta
According to Latin origin, the name Vesta means holy. Vesta is the goddess of altars and hearths.
245. Wala
Wala is a sun goddess, according to Australian mythology. It is believed that when she realized that the sun made the Earth too hot, she stored the sun in a bag till the moon disappeared.
246. Xanthe
The feminine name means the blonde-haired woman. Xanthe this also the goddess of the ocean.
247. Xochiquetzal
The name Xochiquetzal means precious feather flower, according to the Aztec mythology. Xochiquetzal is the goddess of love, flowers, beauty, and fertility.
248. Zaria
According to Slavic mythology, Zaria is the beautiful goddess of the dawn. The name means dawn or sunrise in Russian.
249. Zelena
The name Zelena means the goddess of the moon. Itis a chic and modern name for your cute little bundle of joy.
250. Ziva
According to Hebrew origin, Ziva means life. Ziva is also the goddess of life, fertility, and love.
The names of goddesses have divinity associated with them while also representing the culture of various communities or regions. We know your daughter is no less precious and angelic for you. Pick a name that is dear to you and has the blessings of a goddess at home.